Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Snow Panic

Over the past week, Dublin has received the largest amount of snow since the early 90's (or the 1980's or since 'the big snow' depending on who you ask). The amount of snow in this 'snow panic', which is what it is being called on all the big news stations, is not quite the emergency-causing proportions that midwesterners might imagine. Although it has snowed at least a little maybe every other day over the past week, i can confidently say that there hasn't been more than 2 inches on the ground at any time. This hasn't stopped the Irish from celebrating the 'novelty' of it, though.

On the Monday, the snow was little more than small ice chips that only collected in small amounts, but that was enough to cause people to slow to a crawl on the N11, the major motorway that goes past UCD. The next day it did snow a little more, causing commotion all over campus. My friend Alanna, who's no stranger to snow being from New Jersey, and I watched from a window on the second floor of the library as students seemed to revert back to childhood, gathering whatever snow they could to make snowballs, throwing them at everything (outsides of buildings, insides of buildings, bicyclists, buses, people) they could.

It snowed again on Thursday, and this time it was totally respectable. It was perfect packing snow and i got to walk through an Irish winter wonderland on my way to the Tesco supermarket. I almost ended up getting pummeled by snowball toting children, but then they saw a bus and decided to throw snowballs at that instead.

I think my favorite part of this mini-reminder of the way winter is supposed to be was teaching my Australian floor-mate how to really make a snowman (you have to roll it!!), making the second snowman at crew practice with the rest of the girls from the Boat Club on Sunday morning, and giving winter-condition driving tips to some locals (stop before you think you need to, don't overcorrect when you start to slide, and pump the brakes).

I hope the snow is over and that it will be beautiful and springlike, with no rain from now on......just kidding, i know that Irish weather is anything but consistent (example: if i check 3 different weather reports for Dublin online, they will all be different and none of them will end up being correct). More later!

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